Distinctive Serial Recall Effects

Leibovitz, D. P., Nath, U., Sedghi, R., Verger, D. (2006) Distinctive Serial Recall Effects. Poster presented at the Cognitive Science Spring Conference of Carleton University, pp. 1-18, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. [doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2012.5926]

Leibovitz, Nath, Sedghi & Verger (2006) Distinctive Serial Recall EffectsAbstract: The study of word-length effect concentrated mostly on the accuracy of recalling short and long words in both pure and mixed lists. Previous studies showed that pure long lists were much poorly remembered. Hulme et al. (2004) found that word-length effect could be abolished in mixed lists when the short and long words are alternated. We investigated distinctiveness and found it to be a salient cue for improved correct recall when the list of words has a single distinctive transition. Lists contained three short words following by three long words and vice versa. Surprisingly, in the short-long condition, there was also an improvement in position 3 recall. One of the possible explanations could be the strategic shift of working memory resource.



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