Ottawa-Gatineau Region High-Tech Companies, Agencies, Job Boards, Etc.

Leibovitz, D. P. (2003-6) OttHtJobs: Ottawa-Gatineau Region High-Tech Companies, Agencies, Job Boards, Etc. Retrieved September 4, 2015 from [doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4714.9282]

Abstract: Here are 2000+ links to career pages of every high-tech related company, agency or job board in the Ottawa-Gatineau Region.

Every day, all these sites are scanned, and new job opportunities found are emailed to subscribers.

This job site was founded in 2003 and became inactive in 2006 at which time it had over 4000 subscribers.


Motivation (handout)

Leibovitz, D. P. (2005) Motivation. Handout produced for the Writing Tutorial Service of Carleton University, pp. 1-4, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. [doi10.13140/RG.2.1.1618.3521]

Abstract: Writing an academic paper may seem like hiking up an unfamiliar mountain without a trail map. The total effort is immense, you don’t know the area, and you may not feel fit enough to handle the stress. There is also a maze of trails: some trails are interesting, some tiresome and some simply leading nowhere. Where should you start, how should you start, and is it possible to leave your own mark?

Here are a few motivational techniques and ideas to get you climbing…


Numerous internal Functional Specifications, Systems Descriptions, Test Plans, etc.

Leibovitz, D. P. (1988-2002) Numerous internal Functional Specifications, Systems Descriptions, Test Plans, etc. Nortel Networks, Ottawa, Canada.

Abstract: Telecommunication networks are complex adaptive systems with some similarities to brain and mind. While working at BNR and Nortel, numerous internal and customer facing documents were authored, contributed to, and reviewed.

Northern Telecom Practice (NTP) contributions:


MinIdent – A Mineral Data Base for Earth Scientists

Smith, D. G. W., & Leibovitz, D. P. (1986) MinIdent – A Mineral Data Base for Earth Scientists. U of A Computing Services Bulletin. 20(5): 11. [doi10.13140/RG.2.1.2404.7848] (pdf)

Smith & Leibovitz (1986) MinIdent - A Mineral Data Base for Earth ScientistsAbstract: MinIdent is a program written in FORTRAN 77 which enables an interactive mineral identification search. Data have been stored for about 4000 recognized mineral groups, species, and varieties. These data include composition, optical properties in transmitted and reflected light, symmetry, unit cell dimensions, densities, Vickers and Mohs hardness, d·values and relative intensities of the live strongest x-ray powder-diffraction lines, JCPDS numbers, polymorphs, if any, synonyms, if any, occurrences, localities, year first described, and the sources of the data. At present, some mineral records lack data in some fields; additions continue.
