Leibovitz, D. P. (2003-6) OttHtJobs: Ottawa-Gatineau Region High-Tech Companies, Agencies, Job Boards, Etc. Retrieved September 4, 2015 from http://www.otthtjobs.upwize.com/companies.html. [doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4714.9282]
Abstract: Here are 2000+ links to career pages of every high-tech related company, agency or job board in the Ottawa-Gatineau Region.
Every day, all these sites are scanned, and new job opportunities found are emailed to subscribers.
This job site was founded in 2003 and became inactive in 2006 at which time it had over 4000 subscribers.
- This list of companies @ OttHtJobs
- PDF (snapshot, 772 KB)
- OttHtJobs – Ottawa-Gatineau Region High-Tech Jobs
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